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CDB Database Comparator

ODBC-based tool for comparing and synchronizing heterogeneous databases.


"ODBC-based tool for comparing and synchronizing heterogeneous databases."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: CDB Database Comparator 3.1 ODBC and comparison-simple and powerful tool for heterogeneous databases synchronization based thousands dBASE, and are used by developers to use test in the world. CDB Database Comparator 3.1 at this position with a wide spectrum of functionality and feature-rich high performance and simple intuitive user interface thanks gained.
CDB Database Comparator 3.1 is a development environment for use changes have a local database on the remote server it was a live database is required. Traditionally, this too, and database schemas, or trawl through the data to search through the table and then manually, etc. CDB Database Comparator 3.1 is for you to automate this process will be necessary to create the migration scripts forces have to work longer. Compare and tables, indexes, primary keys and comments, including all database objects, to synchronize the data is stored.
CDB Database Comparator 3.1 everyone to make database administrators, database developers is designed to support databases to cluster.
CDB Database Comparator 3.1 is not only saving time and money, but also makes sure you what something is missing database structure or stored data will not enter into serious problems that may cause differences. CDB Database Comparator 3.1 Now you can download free.

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